Personal Injury

male bandaging his arm

A personal injury usually involves some type of bodily injury due to the negligence of another.  Common types of personal injuries include motor vehicle injuries as well as slip and fall injuries. The most effective personal injury doctors are able to guide the patient through recovery, but must also be experts at documenting permanent disability that results from these common types of injuries.  It should be the goal of all healthcare providers to get their patients back to preinjury status, but there are fewer healthcare providers that focus of documenting the permanent disability that often results from these most common types of injury.  Did you know, according to our investigations, that less than 1% of healthcare providers that treat such injuries actually obtain two of the most common tests that can document higher levels of permanent disabilitySome of these tests can even double permanent disability documentation resulting from a personal injury.  This is some of the most critical information that your attorney will need in order to do his or her job to the best of their ability.  Your lawyer must prove to the responsible insurance party the extent of injury and resulting disability you have suffered.  Do not let your healthcare provider put them in a bad position by not getting them the full picture.  The main reason, we believe, these tests go underutilized is that most healthcare providers that treat personal injury victims simply do not have the required training in order to perform and interpret these tests or maybe the performance of these tests are simply not in their scope of practice.  The founder of Florida Injury & Regenerative Medicine has ordered and performed these tests thousands upon thousands of times himself.  As a matter of fact, other healthcare providers have even referred these tests to him in thousands of different injury cases in order that this most valuable data may be documented.  

Personal Injury TIPS and FACTS:

  1. “14 DAYS”

In the State of Florida motor vehicle crash victims need to seek care for those injuries within 14 days from the injury onset, otherwise, those victims can lose up to $10,000.00 in insurance benefits…!  

  1. “SEE an INJURY DOC”

Get checked out by a doctor with experience in personal injury cases even if the injuries appear to be minimal or insignificant and even if you are not sure you have been injured at all…!  Many of these injuries get worse with time and there are injuries that you might not even be aware of that your doctor can identify if given the opportunity.  Remember, injury does not always equal pain, there are dangerous injuries of the spine that can and do go undiagnosed that may or may not produce noticeable pain but can cause considerable damage to your body, even your spinal cord…! 


You typically do not want any of the vehicles involved in the crash to be moved, it is best to obtain photographic and video evidence immediately of the crash dynamics so that evidence may be documented before people start to forget details or stories change after the fact (this happens all the time…!) 

  1. “CALL the POLICE”

It is often a best practice to involve the police so that they may document the crash scene as well…!  Often the police will issue a citation to the “at fault” party if clear evidence can be established at the scene.  Make sure you obtain a copy of the “police report”, this process will help you and your attorney establish a clear path of responsibility for the injuries you sustained.


Document and get a copy of any and all medical records produced in the care of the injuries you may have sustained…!  These records are important to your healthcare providers as well as you attorney, helping them to do their job to the best of their ability.


Head injuries often go undiagnosed…!  You can, of course, strike your head in a personal injury incident, causing brain injury.  But, did you know that some “whiplash” injuries of the neck are severe enough to cause brain injury without your head ever coming into contact with another object or a part of the vehicle?  This is quite common and requires detailed investigation on the part of the healthcare provider in order to document and treat these types of injuries.  Make sure your “head” is checked out…!  There are many people suffering today due to undiagnosed head trauma from personal injuries, get it done before it is too late…! 

  1. “CHOOSE the RIGHT DOC…!”

Make sure you pick a treating doctor for your personal injury care that has experience in these types of cases…!  It helps if the provider has the equipment and abilities to render key diagnostic studies that document nerve and brain injuries.  The equipment, technicians and training are burdensome to most healthcare providers, thus they cannot diagnose and treat you appropriately, nor can they help you document the highest levels of permanent disability that is so essential to provide to your attorney.  Florida Injury & Regenerative Medicine has this specialized equipment, technicians and training so that we may evaluate and document nerve and brain injuries both at the office and even in the comfort of your own home…!

Kirt W. Repp, Chiropractic Physician

Licensed, Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine 

Founder, Florida Injury & Regenerative Medicine